I watched an interview last night with a reporter and an author, Jeffery Sachs, basically about how the world is eating more than it can produce at the moment - it frightened me. There are riots and unrest in Africa as well as many of the 'San countries about lack of food. Our own aboriginals are living in third world standards, our nearest neighbour, Papua New Guinea is a basket case with a sky rocketing aids mortality rate. Global warming warnings are relegated to the fifth page of a newspapers these days ("In Greenland the glaciers are melting at unpredicented rates.....and now we cross live to Paris Hilton's best friend reality tv launch").
I don't have the answers but I sure have a hell of a lot of questions......for instance:
- Why hasn't the UN or the US forced that fuckwit Mubabe out?
- What are the US putting one third of their corn food stocks into bio fuel when whole countries are starving?
- What are the ramifications of using GM........what is better, saving lives by using GM to increase yields of harvests, or risk potential future side effects?
- Why can BMW have a car that runs on a hydrogen engine that only movie stars can afford? Surely we can replicate this technology for all transport (yes, I know that the Arab countires may have to miss gold plating their replica space station man made island).
- Why the fuck are Japan still hunting whales?
- Why is anyone seriously considering putting a Pulp Mill in Tasmania so that trees and water can be feed into it to make paper to sell to a country that is still killing whales?
Some questions to ponder. Thanks for letting me vent.
I like your questions Phobus. Keep asking them, keep venting them, keep talking. Oh and remember, never trust a Real estate Agent xxxx
Ah Phobus....the world we live in.
Why are we here in this paradise when just a few hours flight from here there is death all around?
We have a small world in which we continue to make a difference, although it may not happen as quickly as we would prefer, we still make a diference.
Sometimes it is good to step away from the venom that surounds us and move to the light for the peace however you find it.
Can I go home now....
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