I have logged in a few times of late and find myself trying to come up with something to write and end up deleting what I have written due to it not sitting right with me......not this time, I am just going to write a bit of stuff, whatever pops into the head and see where it ends and then click post without reading it....why not hey?
Cluster bombs, good news is that most of the world have signed a treaty banning them, bad news is that USA, Isreal, Russia and a few other wantabe world leaders find themselves above such treaties and have refused to sign. Getting very disappointed in world affairs.
Lennon, our now ex Premier. Not quite sure what to say here as the rammifications are still to be seen. On the outside it seems that a new leadership may be the thing needed for Tasmania, and fromt he last week Bartlett (the successor) seems to be sayign the right things....quite inpressed with his stand on protecting farm lands against plantations. High hopes I have for Mr Bartlett and his team and I blow out the candles and wish for the smart and caring state that he is promoting as his soap box...time will tell.
Real Estate Agents...........We have a new one that seems to be doing ok........so they tell us.
One of our friends have split from each other. It is a shame as they were a great couple and we were just getting to know them. They have a daughter the same age as my son. They seemed so tight these guys and although eccentric (a quality that I admire) they seemed like they had it together. New job, new study direction, new house.....all normal signs of a healthy go ahead relationship and future....then out of the blue we hear that they have split up. If you guys are reading this and you know who you are, don't become strangers, drop in and say hi whenever, however, whyever...no reason required!
Ebay. I have been a bit of a e bay addict of late. A buyer, not a seller. I have been looking for an orrery and settling for some old documents that I would liek to get framed. I sit and watch these items for three or four days and put a bid on them early and get excited that no one else has discovered these treasures and then in the last 20 seconds (I am not joking for those that do not know the ebay thing) the price seems to go up until I lose the item....sometime the price goes up hundreds of dollars in the last ten seconds! I am a e bay loser.
Tasmanian pinot is good. I had the good fortune to attend a function a little while ago that have around 60 pinots for taste. I managed to taste all of the wines and then go back to the best to ensure I made my decision correctly (you had to enter a judgement at the end). Besides from being quite pished, I managed to pick the top two wines (not in the correct order though) that wont the day. The Sunday was a bit of a right off, but well worth the experience to taste some great wines.
Brrrrrr - winter is kicking in. The house we are living in is quite cold. It can be warm, but with electricity going up some 17% (!!!!!!) the cots to keep warm is get quite high. It is a worry when you have to pay so much to keep warm. We are lucky that we are doing well with our income stream, I feel for those that are not as it must be a real struggle to survive today.
In keeping with the aformentioned theme, I reached a new record in filling the car with petrol the other day....one hundred and twleve dollars (A$112.00). For one tank of fuel. This of course was for the premium fuel that we use because our car calls for it but also it helps reduce the emmissions (higher octane...best we can do until someone can mass produce hydrogen engines). Definately a culture change comming up. No longer can a family just go away for the weekend without considering the very high fuel portion of the equasion. Looking forward to that magnetic or hydrogen invention that will be good for everyone and not be reserved for the movie stars. I still think that the magnetic field has something there for us........
Well off for my run now. Sorry for the ramblings.......