Pretty scared at the moment about the world economic position. When you start to hear about banks closing their doors and presidents start appearing on television and offering up billions of tax payers dollars to prop up the stuff ups of the greedy masses, you should be concerned. I don't pretend to understand all of the in's and out's or even the basic principals as to why this has happened, but I listen to the radio and read the reports and try to understand as much as I can.
One question that keeps popping up in my mind is.....Is this the start of the change of world power as we know it? I am not talking religion here, purely capitalistic focus. Out of all the dramas that are currently taking place (USA on top of the list, UK, Europe) the two entities that are just sitting in the background quietly listening on are the two countries that just happen to have the most population int he world...China and India. I know that China has trillions of dollars sitting in the USA, I know that China are now self sufficent in their own economy.....it has been said to me that if China wrote off the trillions of USA currency they have then USA are finished and it wouldn't even raise a blip on the China eccomony (makes you think hey?).
It also makes me wonder why the two encumbants are working so hard for the presidency (McCain and Obama)...you would think the campain would now be "DONT VOTE FOR ME, IM VOTING FOR THE OTHER GUY"....who would want to clen up the mess!!.
It is tough days ahead and I think we are only at the start of all this. Time to keep your head down and plant some veges I think. Good luck all.
1 comment:
Scared. Na, everything is unfolding as it should.
What will be will be and we will just have to deal with as it comes.
We are fortunate in this country to be surrounded by unbridled wealth and that is our bonus.
There is little we can do to change the world's focus...I feel that will change as people wake up.
Planting some veggies is a beautiful thang to do and will serve you well.
I'm in the cold....can I go home now???
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