A bit concerned that there is a significant and foreboding silence about the Pulp Mill of late. There is a rally on the 23rd August 2008 at City park which I will be attending which should be interesting. My sources keep saying that they are just in the dark as everyone else and that they are just waiting in limbo (these are people who have significant money tied up in the contracts). I know the State are a bit pissed about being left in the lurch (Bartlett not being told about Scottsdale despite meeting with John Gay two days before the announcement of the redundancies left a bit of a sour taste I would beleive). I know if a contracting company that have sign lengthly leases for interstate and international contributors to the Mill that are also in limbo and slightly concerned that this is dragging on.
So much for the "absolutely must start construction September 2007" and rushing through Parliment to bypass the RPDC. Costing a million a day if construction not started then was my recollection of the statement made....must coming close to 365 million in the red by now (at least). Couldn't be the best senario for shareholders surely.
Can anyone else see the irony of bulldozing a local soccor field to build a head office and placing plastic cows on the grass......aka - Gunns head office in Tasmania.
Perhaps Gunns are just holding off the announcement that the Pulp Mill is scrapped until Spring so that the those having parties celebrating can be held in some warmth!!!!
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