Friday, May 28, 2010

A dream......

I subscribe to the "Love My Way" initial opening scene philosophy of telling people about my dreams....when Frankie tells Tom "do you want to hear about my dream".... Tom replies "no fuck off, other people's dreams bore the shit out of me".

That said, this is my blog and you can stop reading now if you want to!

I had a dream the other day and I have been thinking about it on and off. My dream was about the arrival of the second coming of Jesus, the 12th Iman, the Messiah, the next budda and every other religious next best thing. It was quite a bizarre dream for me as religion usually does not register in my realm. The whole dream centred around the convincing of the religious righteous of the fact that the next best thing was actually coming. That everything that they pray, fight, dedicate and sacrifice for was actually happening right at that moment - a defining moment that required the faithful to prove their resolve once and for all. A scene worthy of B- grade science fiction movies had angeles or whatever they were announcing individuals of the various religions that the time had come. The various heads of the religions (think Pope, Dali Lama, priests, pastors, rabbi's etc) were convinced without a doubt...for instance one of the priests in the dream asked one of the angeles to prove where they were from and they did by doing some magic tricks ... or miracles if you prefer (I think it made day turn into night or something - that bit is a bit vague). It was then up to the heads of the religions to convince the world that the event was going to happen in the next couple of days and everyone had to accept it. The dream either faded or was interrupted by a four year old child kicking me in the back (it is cold were I am and my youngest son feels warmest in our bed at around one am).

So I have been thinking about this dream of late. What would one do if every religious boss in the world (regardless of sect) made the decision that say in two days time from you reading this that the day had come. Armageddon, day of reckoning, day of judgement etc ...... two days to decide what you are going to do. There are no visual signs of what is coming for the common folk, no NASA predicted astroids or tsunamis or volcanoes. Only the collective say so of the heads of the religious world that in two days the stuff of 2000 years odd of predictions is happening. Of course this has happened previously to a lessor extent (end of centuries being the favourite catalyst), but now we are so connected world wide that everyone knows what everyone is doing instantly. People who claim to be the second Jesus or reincarnated Elvis are locked away as nutters just as instantly, so what would it take to convince us. Could we be convinced? What if the Pope came on your TV as a special announcement RIGHT NOW with a statement that armageddon will be at 1200hrs Sunday? What if the President of the United States came on TV just after and said, "Yep, he is right - 1200hrs Sunday Washington DC time - it is all happening"......far out hey.......

Now, what if after 1200hrs Sunday night nothing happened.......?

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