Make that 20 years have got behind you!!! (I am of course referring to the song Time by Pink Floyd). I recently attended my 20 year school reunion. I have to laugh....I went to two senior schools in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales - one a private school and one a public school. The invite for the public school is a PDF document floating around facebook to meet up in a pub in Sydney, whilst the private school invite is a full colour production to meet in a marque on the old rugby field for wine and jazz and then to retire to the one school site art gallery for a catered dinner and drinks.
So, I attended my private school reunion. What a quite amazing experience and very much surreal. Some people have not changed one bit in 20 years, where others appear to have aged 50 years let alone 20 years (drugs and drink seem to be the aging factors in a few of the ex students). The biggest surprise of all was to learn that the biggest clown of them all (the one who used to pick his nose and flick the boogers, catch his farts in his hands and share them...you know the one, every school has one) became the vice principal of the school. A brain surgon, a news producer, quite a few internet site designers, a few real estate types, a storeman (an dear old friend of mine who experienced some difficult times) and a girl who wins the prize for the most outstanding answer to the mandatory "what do you do for a living" question.....a shoemaker. Memories of events long ago filed in the section of brain only to be accessed during old age dementure were conjured up to the accompaniment of loud laughter and slaps on backs. From success on the rugby field, headmaster episodes, camping stories, old flame reminders to toasts for absent friends, the reunion was a great event. To those that say they have no desire to go to a reunion to meet up with people from the past, believe me when I say, there are those that want to meet up with you - if you get the opportunity, do not miss it.
My public school 20 year reuinon is on in three weeks time at a pub in the heart of Sydney. It will be different but I cannot wait to go. Watch this space.
Short Word: Sorry for my absence, I wil be trying to write more often here.